Sunday, July 30, 2006

Oddities Abound

I had an appointment at Kaiser Permanente this morning and as I took a seat in the waiting room I noticed something odd.

A few steps in front of the front desk there was a sign that appeared to be a small notice board so that people could read it before they approached the front desk. However the entire notice board was covered with one sheet of paper that read, simply:

Please, do not lean on the sign.

Nothing more.

EDIT: I was commenting on the irony of having a moveable sign that said only "do not lean on the sign."

Friday, July 28, 2006

Go Ninja, Go Ninja, GO!

In case you've been living under a rock (because everything on here is just SUPER trendy) for the last few days, you might not know this very, very important event that will happen on about March 30, 2007:

Welcome, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV... aka TMNT.

It'll be darker than the other movies, and done completely in CGI, which is a huge relief for me, because, for some reason, I didn't initially take to the idea of people running around in turtle suits for the other movies. It just didn't seem right, growing up with the cartoon and all. Like I said, it'll be darker, like the comics (I claim one less nerd point: I never read them) and the humour will come from verbal play between the characters and not gags like in the other movies.

I have a severe distaste for gag comedy that goes over the top.

Although there won't be any traveling through time like all 4th TMNT things should be, I'm still geekin' out over it.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Almost Creepy

It's a nightime shot of the sydney harbor... a 720 megapixel shot. You can zoom in so far that you can see individual people in the windows. He combined 169 photos to be able to do it.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Enter, Stage Left

Here starts the beginning of a new blog.

I'm at work right now--I've just moved cubicles so I'm hiding and telling no one of my switch yet, hoping to escape from actually doing any work for a while. It's not like I hate the people I work for, I just hate what the bulk of my job entails.

I work at Advanced Analogic Technologies Inc. in Sunnyvale (smack in the middle of silicon valley for you SoCal people) and my job description is "intern of test engineering." That means I have two main responsibilities: I test parts and I deliver things. Only problem is I hate testing parts and no one has asked me to deliver anything for the entire time I've been here. And I just got a new car, too.